Alumni Project UC Berkeley

In 2003, I donated approximately 1000 volumes of rare printed mathematics books and manuscripts to the Bancroft Library at UC Berkeley. This collection documents the history of arithmetic and mathematics in the United States from the colonial period to the end of the 19th century, and more than half of the texts predate 1850. It is called the "Theodore P. Hill Collection of Early American Mathematics Books", and was featured in the 2005 Bancroft Library's Exhibit "Creators, Teachers and Practitioners of the Mathematical Sciences". Click on the following links for more information about this project.

To see the list of items in the collection, go to the catalog of the Bancroft Library and enter "Theodore P. Hill Collection of Early American Mathematics Books" into the Title search box.

For more information about the collection, please click here.

Alumni Project West Point

In preparation for the West Point Class of 1966’s 40th Reunion, held at West Point in September 2006, I created an archival USMA Class of 1966 website,

Outreach Vietnam

In the spirit of "Swords into (Scientific) Ploughshares", I started a book drive for the English-language International University, HoChiMinh City, to collect university-level English language scientific textbooks. My aim has been to strengthen academic ties, and to help the people of Vietnam, especially in the realm of higher education.

College Activism

I have been involved in campus activism, especially related to Freedom of Information and Freedom of Speech in academia. I wrote a handful of articles, one of which was published in the American Association of University Professors publication Academe, and I established a website dealing with basic freedoms on campus.

More recently, I have written about problems in the world of academic publishing, and I continue to advise academic professionals who are victims of the System, especially in these times when political correctness and financial crises may override basic academic rights and freedoms.